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Support For Bookshops

One of the things I have missed most this year is bookshops. Because I've been shielding as far as I can, I haven't been into shops at all. Weekend pop-ins to our local bookshops, Heffers, Waterstones and Toppings is a regular family ritual and since getting published it's added a whole new level of excitement for me. Meeting and chatting with lovely booksellers, seeing my books displayed on tables and getting reviewed by them and signing copies has been such a thrill. And of course while I'm there it'd be rude not to try a few of their bookish delights!


I am dreaming of doing that again soon. But in the meantime I'm desperately aware that continued lockdowns mean bookshops are struggling. I want them to be there when all this is over. Because let's face it, bookshop browsing is the best. 


Over the last couple of years, I've got to know more local bookshops through Twitter. They're not local to me so I can't just pop in. But I try to order through their on line services as a thank you not just for stocking my books, but because following their excited voices on Twitter is how I get most of my own book recommendations and find out what to read next. I'd be a bit lost without them. 

If we want to see our favourite bookshops still there when this is all over, we need to help them now.

This is why I am delighted to be taking part in the initiative #SignForBookshops organised by Holly Bourne 

I am pledging to send signed bookplates to the first 50 people who buy one of my books from an Indie or a  High Street bookseller like Waterstones or WHSmiths.  The order can be via email or phone if you are not able to get to them in person for click and collect for example.


Just email me at with proof of purchase and who you would like it signed to.

Find out where your nearest local bookshop is here:

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